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Tips for making the most of the Insight Infrared Video Goggles

Tips for Cable Handling and Storage

Review our basic guide for keeping your cable in top condition.  Please review our storage and handling tips for best performance.

Don and Doff the Goggles

Getting the goggles on and off the patient is an important step to build trust with your patient.  You can do this step with or without any modules attached to the front of the goggles.

Center Eyes in software

With the Insight Goggles, you don’t need to fuss around with the exact right spot to get the cameras aligned on the patient’s face.  It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3 to get the eyes centered in the software!

Mask Usage with the Goggles

If your patient is using a mask, it can cause fog inside the goggles.  Follow these steps to minimize fog during your session.

Re-Link Cameras in Software

Sometimes there are updates that remove the links between OBS and your goggles.  Follow these easy steps to get yourself up and running easily!

Fixation Light Usage

Using the independent fixation lights is perfect for testing between peripheral and central vestibular disorders.  Use the easy to access switches to turn on and off the lights.