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Membranous Labyrinth Inner Ear Model


In partnership with Dr. Michael Teixido, we are excited to share with you the new Membranous Labyrinth Model.  This model was created to translate the research done to fully 3D map the membranous canals of the vestibular apparatus–an anatomy that is very difficult to capture due to both its size and cellular nature. 

Colored Canals

Each canal has a unique color to make idenfitication quick and intuitive.  These colors also match the 3D model seen in the BPPV Viewer application.

  • Red = Horizontal (Lateral)
  • Green = Posterior
  • Blue = Anterior
Teixido Membranous Labyrinth - Detail 4

Labeled Anatomy

We worked with top researchers and clinicians to find a way to intuitively label the key parts of the inner ear used in vestibular settings.  The bottom of the base is also labeled as a reference.

  • A = Anterior
  • P = Posterior
  • H = Horizontal (Lateral)
  • Star = Macula of Utricle
  • Diamond = Crista
Teixido Membranous Labyrinth - Detail 3

Orientation Arrow

Our model has an arrow embedded that allows you to easily orient the model to the correct anatomical position.  Simply point the arrow forward when holding model, and the inner ear is properly aligned. 

Teixido Membranous Labyrinth - Detail 2

Sold Individually or as a Matched Pair

You can purchase either ear or even better–a pair that shows all six semicircular canals.  This is a must-have for education and demonstrating the relationship between the canals.


Model Options

Left Ear – $115 – Add to Cart

Matched Pair – Add to Cart

Right Ear – Add to Cart

About Dr. Michael Teixido


Michael Teixido is an otolaryngologist with a special interest in medical and surgical conditions that affect hearing and balance. He was born in Wilmington, Delaware and developed an interest in ear surgery because of a hereditary hearing condition in his family. He actively pursues his goals to advance the study and understanding of problems involving hearing, balance and general otolaryngology through his participation in many national professional organizations and through frequent lectures to his professional colleagues and the public. In collaboration with the Delaware Biotechnical Institute Dr. Teixido has created unique 3D materials for teaching anatomy, surgery, and pathophysiology. Dr Teixido has taken a leadership role in Otolaryngology in education on migraine, and in BPPV, and has established teaching tools and foundations to improve patient care. He also has an interest and active participation in education policy as relates to the education of children with hearing loss.