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Fluid-Filled Vestibular Apparatus

Learn how otoconia fall and move through the semicircular canals of the inner ear anatomy with this educational model.  We developed this anatomical model to promote the understanding of fluid dynamics as well as how our inner ear crystals respond to gravity when displaced in the canals.  This model can demonstrate how BPPV repositioning techniques such as the Epley work.  Perfect for use with patients, students, and clinical mentorship and training.

Size:  Height: 5.3″ Width: 7.9″ Depth: 7.5″ 

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Otoconia and Fluid Dynamic Accuracy

The otoconia fall smoothly with fluid dynamics similar to that which occur in the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear.  We worked with top international vestibular researchers to confirm that the rate of fall is consistent with current research findings. This is especially important when educating others on the value of proper duration of time in each position of corrective maneuvers for BPPV.

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Cupula and Ampulla Anatomy

On the ampulla/far side of the each canal, the crystals remain visible as they cannot pass through the cupula, represented by a capped end.

On the other end of each canal, the crystals “disappear” into the vestibule to show when there are no crystals in the canal.

Lastly, the ampullary end of the canal is cut through the bulbous section to easily identify the far side of the canal.

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Perfect for educating patients and students

Having the ability to manipulate the canals and watch gravity slowly move the crystals is a perfect way to better understand the anatomy of the inner ear and the otoconia in conditions such as BPPV

Fluid Model Education

Sold Individually or as a Matched Pair

You can purchase either ear or even better–a pair that shows all six semicircular canals.  This is a must-have for education and demonstrating the relationship between the canals.

Fluid Apparatus Pair - Web

Spatial Orientation

Each canal has uniquely colored crystals which correlates to the X-Y-Z axes when aligned to the  upright orientation of the human body.  This color differentiation for each canal improves the ability to explain normal anatomy and which canal or canals may have involvement in vestibular dysfunction or pathology such as BPPV.

  • Blue – Horizontal/Lateral
  • Red – Posterior
  • Green – Anterior
Vestibular Apparatus Planes 2 - Copy

Left Ear Model

Left Ear Model


Matched Pair

Matched Pair


Right Ear ModelRight Ear Model


Purchasing from Europe/Asia?

We now have a local distributor that can ship to Europe and Asia without the expense of the international shipping and duties.  Please purchase directly through Altius Gruppen for the best price and quick delivery.

Attention DIYers!

We are committed to promoting vestibular education for everyone, so we have created an online tutorial to build your own fluid-filled apparatus for free!  Follow our instructions and build your own model to learn how the otoconia flow in the semicircular canals like you’ve never seen it before!